Thursday, July 23, 2020

sky diving narrative

"Lewick hurry up were gonna be late" yelled emily. "I'm coming down" replied Lewick. Today Lewick & Emily planned to go sky diving since it was the holiday.

They got to Taupo and went inside of the building to register and went to the gear room to put on their suits and up they went. 

When they got inside the plane they felt airsick and had butterflies flying around their stomach. but then they had to jump. 

On the count to three they both jumped while screaming of fear (ahhhh) near `00 ft they deployed their parachutes safely but something wrong happened. 

Emily's parachute wouldn't deploy and yelled for hell. Lewick heard her and quickly grabbed her hand. They they landed they decided never do to that again.


  1. wow next time use detail and headings also more punchtion

  2. This is a great story you have great dialogues but maybe next time you could use more detail
