Friday, November 8, 2019

My haunted story

            Haunted House In Woods 

Introduction: Malo,Talofa lava and greetings
to you all. Today I wrote a story based on
paranormal things that happen and the reason
I decided to write a scary story is because I
like to watch movies and videos that freak
me out.

First: It was a scary, horrifying, spooky day
me and my friends were on our way to the
haunted house that was in the woods. But
As soon as we got there we could see that
the lights covered in cobble webs and mold
was flicking and twitching in the house as if
someone was there.

Next: As me and my friends got  to the
rusty old door I felt something windy and
cold touch my skin as I said “guys something
  just touched me” as we all freaked out
with fear the door opened with the cold
smooth wind.

Then: When we got inside the house the
door slammed with a loud ‘’BOOM’’. We tried
to open the door but it looked like we were

We split up into groups of four because
there were only 3 rooms in the abandoned
house and then we heard something saying
‘’Danger you shouldn't be here’’. 

And with fear we all ran to the door and
tried to pull it as hard as we could but it
was no use until the window opened and we
ran as fast as we possibly could to climb out
side of it and when we made it out we ran
far away never to see that house again.